München hilft Ukraine e.V. logo

Help for elderly in war zone

Donate for the elderly in war zones
Elderlies in Ukraine receiving help from MHU
In the conflict zones of eastern Ukraine, especially on and near the front line, München Hilft Ukraine e.V. supports elderly people with special care packages. These packages contain food that can be consumed without additional preparation and are purchased in Ukraine. We put the kits together and distribute them in villages and small towns. Due to the danger in these areas, our volunteers are accompanied by protection teams to ensure safe distribution. This operation provides vital supplies to those most affected by the conflict.

Volunteers distribute care packages from MHU for elderly living at the front line

Donation account

München Hilft Ukraine e.V.

IBAN: DE19 7002 0270 0035 4040 23


Purpose: Hilfspakete für Ältere im Kriegsgebiet

Donate with PayPal or debit/credit card
heart in ukrainian colors

+49 89 215260750 (9:00 bis 11:00 Uhr) [email protected]

Forst-Kasten-Allee 115, 81475 München

Do.-Fr. 12:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
Sa. 10:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
So.-Mi. und Feiertage geschlossen