
 joint project of the MHU and the Ukrainian Scholar Support Office with a mission to support Ukrainian scientists in their return to research

Our mission

SaveScienceUA project aims to revitalize the Ukrainian scientific community by providing direct support to individual scientists, with the initial focus on those in Kharkiv region. Once a major scientific hub with nearly 200 institutions, Kharkiv was gravely impacted by russian aggression due to its border proximity, enduring heavy bombardment in 2022. Given the numerous active scientists and severe institution damage, Kharkiv was prioritized as the project’s first region. Despite adversities, these scientists persist and urgently need our support to resume their important work.

Our Motivation

Massive destruction is hindering scientific progress in Kharkiv. 73% of higher education institutions and a large number of national science centers have suffered damage of various severity: valuable laboratory equipment, unique experimental setups, computers, servers, and invaluable research data, including unpublished papers, have been irretrievably lost.

Ways you can help

Donate money

For items that cannot be obtained through in-kind donations, MHU will purchase them in Germany when possible. In cases where the required equipment is made in Ukraine, we will purchase it locally there.


München Hilft Ukraine e.V.
IBAN: DE19 7002 0270 0035 4040 23
Payment purpose: SaveScienceUA: Hilfe für ukrainische Wissenschaftler

Donate equipment

Donate depreciated equipment or devices collecting dust in the backroom of your office, as they could be extremely valuable for a scientist in Ukraine, who has lost their lab due to the ruthless russian bombings. We collected detailed and specific equipment needs from the applications and зге these into categories – with separate lists available for consumer electronicschemistry lab equipmentmeasurement deviceselectronicssoftware, and miscellaneous items. For questions, email us at


Applications and technical needs

We have received an overwhelming response to our initiative with applications from 287 scientists across a vast spectrum of research fields from 37 institutions in Kharkiv, including the State Biotechnology University, the Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the National Pharmaceutical University, the Institute of Plasma Physics, and the National Technical University “KhPI”, among others. The requested support encompasses a wide range of equipment and supplies, from essential electronics like laptops and printers to specialized lab equipment like spectrometers, microscopes, oscilloscopes, and chemical reagents. Scientists’ drive and resilience in the face of adversity is truly inspiring, and they need your help to carry on with their important work.

Victoria Dyomina


Needs: laptop

The tale of Victoria Demina is a testament to resilience in the face of extreme adversity. An academic in cybersecurity and data protection, her world was irrevocably altered when a missile attack turned her home to rubble (photo on the left). Dealing with the personal aftermath of a debilitating injury of breaking her neck and her husband's illness, Victoria had to navigate a path through uncertainty, danger, and despair.

Yet, amid the chaos, Victoria found an unexpected lifeline - her students' thirst for knowledge and her own unyielding spirit. Using a borrowed laptop, she continued her research and even published an conference article on the risks of Shadow IT. Despite her own personal and professional challenges, Victoria embodies the power of resilience and the indomitable spirit of human will, proving that even in the face of relentless adversity, the flame of knowledge can never be extinguished.

Oleksiy Kulyk


Needs: kilovoltmeter AC 100 kV, high voltage divider 100 kV

Amidst war's tumult, Oleksiy Kulyk, a researcher from the National Technical University "KhPI", saw his critical project, a 110/35/10 kV underground substation, come to a halt. Persistent power outages underlined the project's urgency. As the frontline loomed near Kharkiv, Oleksiy resumed his work in this war-impacted landscape.

The war brought more than physical barriers; it bore heavily on his mental well-being. Fear and stress became everyday companions, leading to detachment and emotional exhaustion. Nevertheless, he pressed on.

War-time hostilities restricted field studies but nudged him towards deeper theoretical exploration. Despite the conflict, Oleksiy remains undeterred. He dreams of a time when his project restores light, empowers industries, and symbolizes Ukraine's resilience.

Oleksandr Zhelezniak


Needs: astro camera, servo controller, CCD filter

Oleksandr Zhelezniak, an astronomer from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, found his world shattered when the war arrived. His project, a 40 cm telescope at the Chuhuiv Observatory, vital for remote astronomical observations and the search for exoplanets, was severely damaged and looted. He was desperate to bring light back to the darkened skies of scientific discovery.

In the war's chaotic wake, Oleksandr weighed the risks of staying in the frontline city against his passion for astronomy, ultimately choosing the latter. With determination, he returned to Kharkiv and the observatory, striving to restore the 40 cm telescope complex. Despite the hardships, he holds onto the belief that Ukraine will stand resilient, and his dedication to astrophysics will serve a role in its bright future.

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Become an ambassador

We are seeking individuals who are passionate about supporting Ukrainian scientists. You can become a SaveScienceUA ambassador at your research institution or company and help collect both in-kind and financial donations. Additionally, if you have technical expertise in the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, electrical engineering or similar, we also need help processing scientists’ technical needs and finding matching equipment in Europe. If interested, please contact us at

Our Team

München Hilft Ukraine e.V. (MHU)

Alona KharchenkoNastiia KurdydykDanylo SemerakYaroslav Latypov

MHU is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting people in Ukraine affected by war with in-kind donations. MHU was established in March 2022 and received generous in-kind support and more than 510’000 Euro in donations. MHU has delivered more than 3000 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Ukraine covering specialized medical equipment, medicine and essential goods, such as generators, food, water, and clothing. More information about the association is available here.

Scholar Support Office (SSO)

Anastasia SimakhovaAnna CherviakLiudmyla Lisova

SSO, founded in July 2022 on the base of the Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information, is a special agency dedicated to the advancement of research and innovation across Ukraine and beyond. The SSO promotes needs-driven research to bolster a competitive business and industrial sector. It focuses on individual career trajectories and international collaboration, advocating for the interests of scientists and championing the popularization of scientific achievements. Driven by a team of 14 young, proactive scientists, the SSO is passionately dedicated to revolutionizing scholar support systems. More information about the agency is available here.


The SaveScienceUA initiative is intended solely for the purpose of providing in-kind support for research activities in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine. Only applicants who can provide verifiable evidence of conducting research at institutions in this region are considered eligible for support. Although applications are thoroughly reviewed by both MHU and the Science Support Office, neither organization assumes any responsibility or liability for the nature or quality of the research conducted.

All images presented on this project page are subject to copyright and are provided by the scientists who have applied for the SaveScienceUA project.